哥廷根(Göttingen)作为欧洲文艺复兴的发源地之一,当时堪称为学术、科学及文化中心之都,整个城市蕴藏着 深厚的文化艺术底蕴,宛如一座辉煌的博物馆,凝聚历史与时代的精髓,闪烁着不朽之光。品牌创始人哥特里伯-威廉-里特米勒(Gottlieb Wilhelm Ritmülle,1772 -1829)正感于哥廷根的文化氛围以及自由创新精神,在充分汲取乐器制造的工艺精髓后,创造出里特米勒(Ritmüller)钢琴在1795年。
第二次世界大战对整个钢琴工业界造成了强大的冲击,而里特米勒(Ritmüller)并没有因战争的沧桑洗礼和时代的动荡起伏而褪去光芒,而是凭借始终不 变的优质和坚毅不朽的精神依然屹立于音乐之巅,还因为不断提升的技术水平以及丰富的音色变化而变得更为普及。经过近二个世纪的沉淀后,以里特米勒钢琴为代 表的德国钢琴技术不断地推动着整个世界钢琴工艺的变革和前进的步伐。
在21世纪初,经久不衰的经典品牌里特米勒 (Ritmüller) 钢琴正式进入广阔的中国市场,这得益于当时广州钢琴厂(珠江钢琴集团Pearl River Group 前身)的品牌发展理念及其对技术革新的追求。广州钢琴厂迅速地传承了里特米勒(Ritmüller)所拥有的德国钢琴制造工艺的精髓,使珠江钢琴的制造工 艺成功地实现第一次质的飞跃,也引领了国内钢琴行业引进德国钢琴技术的风潮。珠江钢琴集团及其品牌自此秉承和发扬了具有二百年历史的里特米勒 (Ritmüller)的一贯卓越品质,并以舒适、典雅、高贵、时尚、新颖的,优质的材料,卓越的工艺和美妙的音色吸引了越来越多音乐人士的目光,更 在品质与技术的较量中赢得了无数的掌声。
源自德国哥廷根的里特米勒(Ritmüller)至今还在向世界讲述着这段天赋与奋斗、传承与创新、梦想与荣耀的品牌故事,珠江钢琴也将从中吸取精华,融 入自身品牌特点,在探索中不断发现,在创新中不断前进,在发展中始终领航,在中国乃至世界舞台上展现属于珠江钢琴独特的风采。
The company’s founder, Gottlieb Wilhelm Ritmüller, migrated as a simple instrument maker, Abeer a capable master of his craft, in the late 18th century from Eichsfeld to Gottingen from. there greater opportunities were given to him to bring the products of his industry and his art in the trade. It was only a small workshop, which he in Ranked # 383, now Castle Straß 35, instituted.
Until the turn of the century had the business Ritmüllers whose name already enjoyed good reputation on Gottingen addition, taken such a boom that he could remember, to reason their own households. Steiner concluded on October 12, 1800 marriage to Dorothea Schenterlein sprung three sons. The eldest, William Ritmüller (born in 1802, died 1868), led the company with its own name after the death of his father continued and built mainly pianos (fortepiano). With him was the son of the Brunswick Pianofortefabeikanten Steinway, who later founded the company Steinway & Sons in New York, in the teaching.
The Altan seen Pianofortefabrik W. Ritmüller & Son A.-G in Gottingen was in Augus d. J., as we have already briefly reported at this point who commit to celebrate its 125th anniversary. In the development of the house Ritmüller reflected quite resist the career of German industry, where small beginnings out great enterprises have grown and German industry, German labor have earned their rightful place in the world market.